I work with healthy, passionate people who know there is more to life than they are seeing at the moment; people who have a deep desire to live their life expressing their unlimited potential. Our relationship is a partnership, both collaborative and co-creative, enhanced by the synergy that occurs when intentional and curious individuals are committed to a common goal: your Journey.
You choose the process that supports your journey. To clarify, ask yourself:
- Are you most comfortable one-on-one for personal coaching?
- Are you treading lightly on the edge of transformation and ready for the Living Your Vision® process?
- Would you prefer to be part of a circle of women creating community?
- Or is Spirit calling to you for a closer relationship?
Each of these processes will support you in moving forward on your personal Journey.
Personal Life Coaching is a process where we explore, clarify and expand the possibilities of your life, one-on-one by telephone generally for 40 minutes three times a month.
Living Your Vision® is an intensive one-on-one transformational process that is designed for people who are ready to make extraordinary changes in their lives and are willing to commit to live from their Essence, their vision and their purpose.
Women’s Wisdom Circles create a community and network for women to connect with each other while growing and moving forward to identify and live their life from a place of balance, wholeness, joy and contribution. We work in circles of no more than seven women to create sacred space and safety.
Spiritual Mentoring is an in-person process in a sacred space where you explore, inquire, invite, dance with what Spirit is in your life. It is not religious or connected with any denomination. It is about you and I opening the space to meet Spirit, however it shows up in your life.
Carol helped me to take a positive stance and to benefit from extremely difficult circumstances. She encouraged me to make my life about who I am and what I want versus reacting to circumstances. I firmly believe that Carol has a lasting positive impact on the lives she touches through her coaching. – LR