The Game of Life

If the rules for the Game of Life were simplified, I would recommend these words of wisdom from my amazing chiropractor Dr. Will.

Stop waiting
Feel everything
Love completely
Give everything
Let go

Imagine what it would be like to stop waiting for someone else to initiate, something else to happen before you did/said what you wanted.  How freeing would that be?

Imagine what it would be like if you allowed yourself to feel ALL of your feelings; the joy and the sorrow, the peace and the anger, the appreciation and the frustration.  How freeing would that be?

Imagine what it would be like to love completely; full out with passion and trust knowing that you are brought to this moment to be totally alive sharing and receiving the greatest gift we have to give each other.   How freeing would that be?

Imagine what it would be like to give everything; not hold on, not hold back, to be the powerful, courageous, creative person you are.  How freeing would that be?

Imagine what it would it be like to let go of your expectations, your should’s and ought to’s and step into possibility without having to know the outcome.  How freeing would that be?

What would your life be like if you adopted Dr. Will’s rules this next month?

©Carol McKeag, Coaching for Life & Spirit

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